Monday, May 16, 2011

The World Around Me

When I go anywhere, I try to take my camera.  It has tons of memory. Although I have tried to fill it up with images, it just hasn't happened.  Once, only once, I ran out of juice.  Here are the pictures taken while running errands.  Challenge:  What do you see on your errands?  I would be happy to post the best pics anyone sends in.  Good, art pics, please.  I dare you!

I will start with the more abstract pieces.  Looking up, under things, and capturing the light is of great interest now.  The is 1 Under.  It is looking up at Hwy 1, near the art supply store. 

Shift highlights the architecture in downtown Jacksonville, FL with shades of intense blue.  I don't know if the architect deliberately set about creating this kind of refraction on a cloudy day.  Here it is though.  Moments later, sunshine changed the whole picture, literally.  Did anyone driving by see this?  Doubtful.  Maybe now they may.

Drinking Dawn.  Gardens are wonderful.  Alone in them recenters and grounds me.  After I leave them, the world can spin wildly around, and I will walk through in peace, at least for awhile.  Then I will return to the garden to drink it all in again.

The clouds tinted Power Point in soft, cool lighting.  Maybe it will stay.  It is unedited, and as such, the picture speaks to the point of power computers might lend to an image.  Need I weild power over the piece?  Is that the point?  Would the point of power coming into homes a century ago, question the avilability of energy tomorrow, by generating digital images, and transmitting them on the internet?  Food for thought.  Ironic isn't it?

Check out The Line Up.  You do several times a month anyway.  Look at your world.  See what lies before you.  Edit your you insights to include unexpected views around you.  You will see more in what you look at daily.

Then there is more.  Wait and see.

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