These are fun exercises. For many, they are strictly that, and are classified as craft. Some of us are fine artists through and through. Many times while exploring craft, we tend to naturally take it to the next level. Most of our pieces just turn out as fine art. It is who God made us (thank you Lord), and we couldn't stop it, any more than we can stop the sun shining.
My piece did just that. It was fun. It began as craft. It jumped the gap. It is now fine art. We are not allowed to share the images of our pieces until they are received. So, we talk abstractly about them. This is what I told them.
Y'all are calling this Connections in Space. I am calling it Changing Space. We are changing space by living, by creating, and by our choice in medium for this challenge. It is about national and international space travel/exploration that changed a nation and a world. It changed the tomorrow of yesterday. As this program ceases from our national emphasis, it may now change the national and international tomorrow with just as great an impact. I will sit and watch, wonder, and see what is to be in another personal way, because we entered this realm through a door of art.
I'm done, I'm done, and I'm going to be done. I think I'm off to my third and fourth ones here. Then to choose. I like the first two. One was an inchie shy of the minimum, but so pretty. The second piece is incredibly interesting. This may be a bit long, but I really would like to share something about it with all of you.
You see, creating this piece was not just fun. It did something clearly, that happens with almost everything I handle. It is so plainly clear, it is exciting to me, and I want to share it with you. It went from being craft to fine art. The jump of that gap seemed narrow (may or may not have been), and was exciting to see happen. It was the adventure of art. I'll go to the other end of the block and begin at the beginning.
This 2nd piece needed to be at least an inch larger than the last. Fine, 1st piece for hostess. This time begin with enough pieces to measure the minimum and see how they will play in space, figuratively and literally. OK. Arrange. Embellish. Embellish some more. Connect. Ahah moment galore (explaining soon). Embellish some more. Add words. Add pocket, or door (pending, for added hidden words). Sign. Send (pending, tomorrow, far, far away).
Here is the good part. The words will change this from a craft well done to a piece of fine art. One of the tiniest and smallest pieces I have ever made. No drawing or painting. Sculpting? Kind of. The story, the meaning this began to have made all the difference in the world. I have two artists for neighbors on each side of me, one world renown, and one locally known, who I want to bounce this off of. They may give me insights yet.
I was up until 3am developing this more NASA piece vs. outer space piece. The first was the cats in space inchie you may have already seen. Reference animals sent to space. This 2nd piece does deal with the philosophy of the NASA space mission, and keenly addresses their other missions few are aware of (like their underwater sciences). It applies these to all of us individually, collectively, and creatively. It addresses yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Have I rambled and confused you? Has this given food for thought? Does it tease you about the piece? I want to tell you what I have used and done some of, without giving it away, but am afraid it would spoil the surprise. How about if I add, there is a mirror in it? Yes, a real mirror. It's on the inchie piece. The twinchie is for other stuff.
I can share with you some of the more complete thoughts. A few more tweaks, and I will add the image of the completed piece later today.
NASA marked a difference in our nation, and the world, when we began to explore space with more intent by national involvement. Our world is completely different because of these things. Space is what artists are always dealing with, in different formats: 2D, 3D. The concept of space is among the elements of design we must address constantly. Most of the time we double check to make sure we did it in an appreciative way. Our pieces sit upon its crux, and without it, falter from measuring up to fine art...even craft.
All of this verbiage is inherent in the media. Mine includes a mirror to make the viewer an integral, changing part of the work. Mirrors creep into pieces now and again, depending on applicability. If they work, they will be there. I personally create to tickle brain cells, laughter muscles, and inspire involvement in my art, others art, and creating their own art. Be it a venture into outer space, or inner, we will change this entire world, if only by an iota. I share this to change it for the better.
This is what a pile of inchies looks like, as they are in my studio today. They await their transformations into arts and crafts.
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